Whenever I hear the word, Caterpillar, I think of the company that makes heavy equipment and has its headquarters in Peoria, Illinois. I have seen a grader with the name by the side of the road here in Morocco. Although several other international companies also make what heavy machinery there is here. I was surprised when the name popped up here over a shop on Muhammad V Avenue, the main thoroughfare in the colonial part of town. Upon closer look, I discovered that here it's also the name of a line of sports foot wear. I included this picture (it's the best I can get at the moment) because my son, Tom, works for Caterpillar; and his company might be interested in knowing that other companies are using the name. On a personal note, I have survived all the cars speeding down avenues and alleys here so far. In Morocco, vehicles have the right of way; and they go as fast as they can. I have only two more countries to survive.
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