Have been in Tunis only a day. The sky over the city, as seen from my balconey, is dramatic with rain clouds moving in as the weather changes. One fifth of Tunisia's population lives here and more seem to be coming. About 27% of the population is under the age of fifteen. The weather is getting cooler. It was about 65 degrees today with some wind and rain. It's needed, since Tunisia has experienced a worsening drought since 1999. I had to ask for a heater in my hotel room, since none no heat is available in the hotel yet. I thought it was a little cool. There was more paperwork than in Algeria to get a cell phone sim card. No more luck in finding a suitable camera. The medina in Tunis will be among the most interesting aspects of the city. Labrynthine and full of suqs (shops) in their various stalls in the domed and arched thoroughfares, I can easily get lost, take in the people and the wares, and let the time go by. It all centers around the Great Zitouna Mosque, first built in 698 AD, then completely reconstructed from 856 to 863 AD. The Turks made major additions in the 17th century. Recent statistics in
Tunisia News state that 99% of 6-year-old Tunisian girls are in school. Women make up almost one-fourth of the work force. thirty five women are presidents of national associations (
Tunisia News [No. 679], 21 October 2006, p. 1).
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